June 2022 Stats

Back in June 2022, I was walking for fitness but was having a lot of pain in my bad knee, the one that I’d seen a consultant about back in 2012 who said I should stop running … before I ran the Berlin Marathon and a couple of half-marathons.

I had been recommended cycling, so was trying to introduce more of this into my training and then went to the USA in early June to do the Pacific Coast Highway. While we were there, I tried a Peloton fitness bike in a really expensive hotel we stayed at in Big Sur and started looking into buying one, just before seeing my consultant again.

He again recommended some weight loss and half an hour every day on a bicycle, with a recommendation for a cheap static bike.  That got me into finally using Apple Fitness+ and 30 minute rides.

So, here are my stats for June 2022.

June 2022 Stats

Daios Cove Treadmill

Three weeks after surgery on my pelvis for the removal of my metalwork and pins and six months after my last attempt at running, I was never going to set any records…

Barcelona Treadmill and Gym Bike

Went to the gym before breakfast at the H1898 and found the treadmill was occupied by a walker, so whilst I waited I did a stint on the bike.

Then I was too hungry to run to far – plus Mrs RHM had finished her workout – so just a short treadmill run.