More Erosion of Civil Liberties

I can’t recall who it was who said that the time to bring in oppressive legislation to clamp down on individuals’ civil liberties was when there was any fear and uncertainty of the kind that the Government continues to spread as part of the so-called War on Terror (itself started in response to US foreign policy and their illegal invasion of Iraq, which we decided to join in as the 51st State…).

We are already one of the most watched countries in the world, in terms of CCTV cameras per capita, so perhaps the news that “Ministers are to consider plans for a database of electronic information holding details of every phone call and e-mail sent in the UK” shouldn’t really come as any surprise.

Whilst they’re more than welcome to plough through the Spam I receive – more than 1,300 yesterday alone – and take action against the spammers, they can fuck right off if they think I’d be happy for some shiny-suited, job-protected twat in some local authority or agency to be able to read my private messages to friends and family.

It’s none of your business!

And this piece by AC Grayling in the Guardian pretty much sums up my thoughts about those who trot out the trite “if you’ve done nothing wrong…” nonsense, although far more eloquently than I could.

Blatant Discrimination

I belong to a minority sector for whom discrimination is an everyday fact of life. The fact is that that discrimination is so blatant and unapologetic and is institutional discrimination but despite that, the media make little or no comment upon it.

It’s not racial discrimination. It’s not religious discrimination. It’s not sexual discrimination. No, I’m sorry to confess it’s far worse than that. It’s because I ride a motorbike.

The most recent example of this prejudice and discrimination comes from those well known haters of all things motorcycling – a Welsh police force. Their latest anti-motorcycle act is to effectively ban the annual Welsh National Motorcycle Show because:

“Dyfed-Powys Police are of the view that there is a significant risk of violence at this year’s Welsh motorcycle show.”

I see.

Surely on that basis the police should be cancelling all football matches? After all, as we saw with the UEFA Cup Final match in Manchester, there is more than a significant risk of violence with football matches. But amazingly, they are never cancelled. I wonder why? Could it be that the perception – reinforced by the police, Government and the media – that motorcyclists are all troublemakers and lawless?

After all, the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee stated that:

“Motorcyclists are particularly liable to evade road tax. Nearly 40% of motorcycles are now unlicensed.

“If the DVLA’s motorcycle enforcement regime is not to be a complete laughing stock, then the agency and the department must make the most of new powers to enforce VED on public roads.”

They must also “strongly consider more severe measures such as impounding unlicensed motorcycles”, he said, adding: “Large parts of the biking community are cocking a snook at the law.”

Of course, that was completely inaccurate, and for once the MPs were forced to apologise when it was revealed that that was complete bollocks.

Is it any wonder we feel like criminals when we are treated like criminals and discriminated against?

The New Puritans

Now we all know that the so-called Safety Camera Partnerships are staffed by wannabe policemen – probably those who failed the entry requirements – with no sense of humour and limited social skills. After all, who else but loners with voyeuristic tendancies would want to spend their days in the back of a van peeping through a zoom lens at people? On sunny days only, of course, because that’s when their tally of tickets is likely to be highest and after all points (and more particularly fines) make prizes for these sorts of people.

But for a complete lack of humour and for the best “think of the children!” moment of the week, this news story and the quote from the (no doubt) polyester-suited, greasy loser wins the prize:

Jeremy Forsberg, of the Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative, said: “This behaviour is simply ridiculous – it’s clear what he was thinking with what he had on show.

“Not only is it disrespectful, but distasteful and offensive, particularly to children who may have been exposed to this nonsense.

“This prank could have been a real distraction from the driver and that is not something to laugh about.”

Maybe not, but you are, Jeremy! What a puritanical jobsworth he sounds!

Free Hugs

I’m a great believer in smiling, saying “please” and “thank you” and just generally being ‘nice’ to people who are usually expecting the same old shit, just a different day. A little bit of charity every so often doesn’t go amiss either.

A friend just posted this YouTube video on their blog »

Look how people start off by ignoring the guy offering free hugs. Then when someone breaks the usual barriers and goes for it, it seems to break the log-jam until everyone’s doing it and there’s some happiness being spread around. If only real life could be like this more often…

Hope For Me Yet

Whilst reading an article a friend had blogged about, my eye was drawn to a rather attractive, bikini-clad young lady who is, apparently, “Gary Lineker’s girl”.

Now ever with my finger on the pulse, I had no idea he was divorced (a couple of years already) or that there was indeed a new partner for him.

Anyway, here’s a link to the Daily Mail’s story which is basically an excuse to see her looking fabulous in a number of different bikinis. With my 46th birthday rapidly approaching, it’s also good for me to see a 47-year-old still able to attract totty a woman whilst also having the makings of a stomach and love handles (though not quite on my scale). And he’s greyer than me, though more hirsute.

In other news, the BBC’s flying penguins were a cut above the rest of the April Fools including Virgin/Google’s “Virgle” flying to Mars one.

Friday’s TV

I keep meaning to blog about last Friday’s TV viewing highlights.

First up was Transporter 2, the sequel to a film I’d really quite enjoyed which stars one of those blokes who improves with age and hairloss, somewhat like Bruce Willis has, Jason Statham.

Jason Statham
Someone once said I reminded them of Jason Statham – bless her! – but then I’ve also been likened to Chuck Norris! Must be the “designer stuble” or something?

The film itself was a disappointment as they usually are when the US studios take over and write films for that market. Lots of wirework, farcical CGI ‘stunts’, etc. Ah well.

I then watched Teenage Kicks  starring and written by Ade Edmondson which could have been dire. I hoped the post-watershed timing might have meant the humour would have been less lame than I feared … and I wasn’t disappointed. The only awkwardness came – as hoped – by some of the jokes hitting too close to home for comfort. It has promise…