Yuku Nearly Finished?

Yes, according to yuku Customer Services [sic] reps., yuku is “pretty damn close to being “finished” now”.


It’s only been 2­¼ years since “Silent” Rob Labatt announced that yuku was “available today”.

Alison “Let It Rip” Harrison does, though, say that “there is a slightly major feature many people are still waiting for” which she qualifies as being a threaded topics view. Oh and “a few other things” and “a few bugs”.

I think she’s being a tad economical there: there are a number of long-standing bugs and a number of recently noted bugs including some truly bizarre behaviour with tags disappearing or even being added to, and of course what’s also missing is the ability to back up the yuku boards off yuku if - for whatever unimaginable reason - you don’t trust ezboard, Inc. to backup your data properly… This personal backup ability was something that “Silent Rob” promised back in the summer of 2005 when they lost all those thousands of messages and the supposed backups were somehow also deleted.

And still no word on pricing or the major selling point of yuku: sharing advertising revenues with message board owners that made yuku “better than free”.

Pretty damn close to being finished? I think not!