Good grief! I happened to be visiting a couple of Yuku Blorums and wished I hadn’t. Even given ezboard’s history of making Yuku as slow as possible, they’ve now surpassed themselves.
It’s taking me longer than usual to write this post as every page on Yuku is taking an eternity to load.
After a week of apparently ignoring their Yuku users as usual (although reports of slowness had been around since mid-June), the “Yuku Team” finally acknowledged what everyone else was saying and made an announcement that yes, Yuku was slow and no, they hadn’t fixed it. The usual ezApologists were talking them up in the Support [sic] Blorum.
On 15th June, Yuku did say that:
“We currently have some network congestion causing slowness in our systems, we are working with our ISPs and network operators to fix it
Thanks for the report and patience”
They also said that:
 ”We’ve been able to determine this happens generally on monday mornings, we are currently investigating what’s causing the slowness. We appreciate your patience”
So users were reporting slowness generally, but Yuku staff were only noticing it on Monday mornings, presumably as they don’t work weekends…Â
They also claimed it was those pesky search engines slowing things down:
“We have alot of crawlers on our site right now. We are trying to add a machine now.”
But isn’t one of the “benefits” of Yuku the “google friendly URLs and search engine optimized code”?
Why on earth are people still flogging a dead horse with Yuku? It can only be because it’s presently free but people are noticing board members leaving, etc. Maybe ezboard’s decision to have Yuku boards unlimited by size is a decision they’re beginning to regret (that is, unless it was a decision forced upon them by the feature set not supporting post culls? That’s just speculation as I don’t know if they can do this with Yuku as it stands).
Oh and still no news on the apparent disappearance of our money from ezboard…